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RFC 2668:
Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802


Network Working Group                                           A. Smith
Request for Comments: 2668                        Extreme Networks, Inc.
Obsoletes: 2239                                                 J. Flick
Category: Standards Track                        Hewlett-Packard Company
                                                             K. de Graaf
                                                          Argon Networks
                                                            D. Romascanu
                                                     Lucent Technologies
                                                             D. McMaster
                                                     Cisco Systems, Inc.
                                                           K. McCloghrie
                                                     Cisco Systems, Inc.
                                                              S. Roberts
                                                Farallon Computing, Inc.
                                                             August 1999

                   Definitions of Managed Objects for
               IEEE 802.3 Medium Attachment Units (MAUs)

Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   This memo obsoletes RFC 2239, "Definitions of Managed Objects for
   IEEE 802.3 Medium Attachment Units (MAUs) using SMIv2".  This memo
   extends that specification by including management information useful
   for the management of 1000 Mb/s MAUs.

   Ethernet technology, as defined by the 802.3 Working Group of the
   IEEE, continues to evolve, with scalable increases in speed, new
   types of cabling and interfaces, and new features.  This evolution
   may require changes in the managed objects in order to reflect this
   new functionality.  This document, as with other documents issued by
   this working group, reflects a certain stage in the evolution of
   Ethernet technology.  In the future, this document might be revised,

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   or new documents might be issued by the Ethernet Interfaces and Hub
   MIB Working Group, in order to reflect the evolution of Ethernet

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction ...............................................    2
   2.  The SNMP Management Framework ..............................    3
   3.  Overview ...................................................    4
   3.1.  Relationship to RFC 2239 .................................    4
   3.2.  Relationship to RFC 1515 .................................    4
   3.3.  MAU Management ...........................................    4
   3.4.  Relationship to Other MIBs ...............................    5
   3.4.1.  Relationship to the Interfaces MIB .....................    5
   3.4.2.  Relationship to the 802.3 Repeater MIB .................    5
   3.5.  Management of Internal MAUs ..............................    5
   4.  Definitions ................................................    6
   5.  Intellectual Property ......................................   49
   6.  Acknowledgements ...........................................   49
   7.  References .................................................   50
   8.  Security Considerations ....................................   52
   9.  Authors' Addresses .........................................   53
   10. Appendix: Change Log .......................................   55
   11.  Full Copyright Statement ..................................   57

1.  Introduction

   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it defines objects for managing IEEE 802.3 Medium
   Attachment Units (MAUs).

   This memo also includes a MIB module.  This MIB module extends the
   list of managed objects specified in the earlier version of this MIB:
   RFC 2239 [21].

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [20].

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2.  The SNMP Management Framework

   The SNMP Management Framework presently consists of five major

    o   An overall architecture, described in RFC 2571 [1].

    o   Mechanisms for describing and naming objects and events for the
        purpose of management. The first version of this Structure of
        Management Information (SMI) is called SMIv1 and described in
        STD 16, RFC 1155 [2], STD 16, RFC 1212 [3] and RFC 1215 [4]. The
        second version, called SMIv2, is described in STD 58, RFC 2578
        [5], STD 58, RFC 2579 [6] and STD 58, RFC 2580 [7].

    o   Message protocols for transferring management information. The
        first version of the SNMP message protocol is called SNMPv1 and
        described in STD 15, RFC 1157 [8]. A second version of the SNMP
        message protocol, which is not an Internet standards track
        protocol, is called SNMPv2c and described in RFC 1901 [9] and RFC
        1906 [10].  The third version of the message protocol is called
        SNMPv3 and described in RFC 1906 [10], RFC 2572 [11] and RFC 2574

    o   Protocol operations for accessing management information. The
        first set of protocol operations and associated PDU formats is
        described in STD 15, RFC 1157 [8]. A second set of protocol
        operations and associated PDU formats is described in RFC 1905

    o   A set of fundamental applications described in RFC 2573 [14] and
        the view-based access control mechanism described in RFC 2575

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  Objects in the MIB are
   defined using the mechanisms defined in the SMI.

   This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2. A
   MIB conforming to the SMIv1 can be produced through the appropriate
   translations. The resulting translated MIB must be semantically
   equivalent, except where objects or events are omitted because no
   translation is possible (use of Counter64). Some machine readable
   information in SMIv2 will be converted into textual descriptions in
   SMIv1 during the translation process. However, this loss of machine
   readable information is not considered to change the semantics of the

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3.  Overview

3.1.  Relationship to RFC 2239

   This MIB is intended to be a superset of that defined by RFC 2239
   [21], which will go to historic status.  This MIB includes all of the
   objects contained in that MIB, plus several new ones which provide
   additional capabilities.  Implementors are encouraged to support all
   applicable conformance groups in order to make the best use of the
   new functionality provided by this MIB.  The new objects provide
   management support for:

   o    management of 1000 Mb/s devices

   o    management of PAUSE negotiation

   o    management of remote fault status

3.2.  Relationship to RFC 1515

   RFC 2239 was a replacement for RFC 1515 [22], which is now historic.
   RFC 2239 defined a superset of RFC 1515 which contained all of the
   objects defined in RFC 1515, plus several new ones which provided
   additional capabilities.  The new objects in RFC 2239 provided
   management support for:

   o    management of 100 Mb/s devices

   o    auto-negotiation on interface MAUs

   o    jack management

3.3.  MAU Management

   Instances of these object types represent attributes of an IEEE 802.3
   MAU.  Several types of MAUs are defined in the IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD
   standard [16].  These MAUs may be connected to IEEE 802.3 repeaters
   or to 802.3 (Ethernet-like) interfaces. For convenience this document
   refers to these devices as "repeater MAUs" and "interface MAUs."

   The definitions presented here are based on Section 30.5, "Layer
   Management for 10, 100 & 1000 Mb/s Medium Attachment Units (MAUs)",
   and Annex 30A, "GDMO Specifications for 802.3 managed object classes"
   of IEEE Std. 802.3, 1998 edition [16].  That specification includes
   definitions for 10Mb/s, 100Mb/s and 1000Mb/s devices.  This
   specification is intended to serve the same purpose: to provide for
   management of all types of Ethernet/802.3 MAUs.

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3.4.  Relationship to Other MIBs

   It is assumed that an agent implementing this MIB will also implement
   (at least) the 'system' group defined in MIB-II [18].  The following
   sections identify other MIBs that such an agent should implement.

3.4.1.  Relationship to the Interfaces MIB.

   The sections of this document that define interface MAU-related
   objects specify an extension to the Interfaces MIB [19].  An agent
   implementing these interface-MAU related objects MUST also implement
   the relevant groups of Interface MIB.  The value of the object
   ifMauIfIndex is the same as the value of 'ifIndex' used to
   instantiate the interface to which the given MAU is connected.

   It is expected that an agent implementing the interface-MAU related
   objects in this MIB will also implement the Ethernet-like Interfaces
   MIB, [23].

   (Note that repeater ports are not represented as interfaces in the
   Interface MIB.)

3.4.2.  Relationship to the 802.3 Repeater MIB

   The section of this document that defines repeater MAU-related
   objects specifies an extension to the 802.3 Repeater MIB defined in
   [17].  An agent implementing these repeater-MAU related objects MUST
   also implement the 802.3 Repeater MIB.

   The values of 'rpMauGroupIndex' and 'rpMauPortIndex' used to
   instantiate a repeater MAU variable SHALL be the same as the values
   of 'rptrPortGroupIndex' and 'rptrPortIndex' used to instantiate the
   port to which the given MAU is connected.

3.5.  Management of Internal MAUs

   In some situations, a MAU can be "internal" -- i.e., its
   functionality is implemented entirely within a device.  For example,
   a managed repeater may contain an internal repeater-MAU and/or an
   internal interface-MAU through which management communications
   originating on one of the repeater's external ports pass in order to
   reach the management agent associated with the repeater.  Such
   internal MAUs may or may not be managed.  If they are managed,
   objects describing their attributes should appear in the appropriate
   MIB subtree:  dot3RpMauBasicGroup for internal repeater-MAUs and
   dot3IfMauBasicGroup for internal interface-MAUs.

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4.  Definitions


           Counter32, Integer32,
           OBJECT-IDENTITY, mib-2
               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
           TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
               FROM SNMPv2-TC
               FROM SNMPv2-CONF;

           LAST-UPDATED "9908240400Z"  -- August 24, 1999
           ORGANIZATION "IETF Ethernet Interfaces and Hub MIB
                        Working Group"
               "WG E-mail: hubmib@hprnd.rose.hp.com
             To subscribe: hubmib-request@hprnd.rose.hp.com

                    Chair: Dan Romascanu
                   Postal: Lucent Technologies
                           Atidim Technology Park, Bldg. 3
                           Tel Aviv 61131
                      Tel: +972 3 645 8414, 6458458
                      Fax: +972 3 648 7146
                   E-mail: dromasca@lucent.com

                  Editors: Andrew Smith
                   Postal: Extreme Networks, Inc.
                           10460 Bandley Drive
                           Cupertino, CA 95014
                      Tel: +1 408 579-2821
                   E-mail: andrew@extremenetworks.com

                           John Flick
                   Postal: Hewlett-Packard Company
                           8000 Foothills Blvd. M/S 5557
                          Roseville, CA 95747-5557
                     Tel: +1 916 785 4018
                     Fax: +1 916 785 1199
                  E-mail: johnf@rose.hp.com

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                          Kathryn de Graaf
                  Postal: Argon Networks
                          25 Porter Road
                          Littleton, MA  01460
                     Tel: +1 978 486 0665 x163
                     Fax: +1 978 486 9379
                  E-mail: kdegraaf@argon.com"
          DESCRIPTION "Management information for 802.3 MAUs.

                      The following reference is used throughout
                      this MIB module:

                      [IEEE 802.3 Std] refers to
                         IEEE Std 802.3, 1998 Edition: 'Information
                         technology - Telecommunications and
                         information exchange between systems -
                         Local and metropolitan area networks -
                         Specific requirements - Part 3: Carrier
                         sense multiple access with collision
                         detection (CSMA/CD) access method and
                         physical layer specifications',
                         September 1998.

                      Of particular interest is Clause 30, '10Mb/s,
                      100Mb/s and 1000Mb/s Management'."

          REVISION    "9908240400Z" -- August 24, 1999
          DESCRIPTION "This version published as RFC 2668. Updated
                       to include support for 1000 Mb/sec
                       MAUs and flow control negotiation."

          REVISION    "9710310000Z" -- October 31, 1997
          DESCRIPTION "This version published as RFC 2239."

          REVISION    "9309300000Z" -- September 30, 1993
          DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC 1515."

          ::= { snmpDot3MauMgt 6 }

      snmpDot3MauMgt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 26 }

      -- textual conventions

          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Common enumeration values for repeater
                      and interface MAU jack types."

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          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                          rj45S(3), -- rj45 shielded
                          fAUI(6),  -- female aui
                          mAUI(7),  -- male aui
                          mtrj(12),  -- fiber MT-RJ
                          hssdc(13)  -- fiber channel style-2

          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpDot3MauMgt 1 }
          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpDot3MauMgt 2 }
          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpDot3MauMgt 3 }

          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpDot3MauMgt 5 }

      -- object identities for MAU types
      --  (see rpMauType and ifMauType for usage)

          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpDot3MauMgt 4 }

          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "no internal MAU, view from AUI"
          ::= { dot3MauType 1 }

      dot3MauType10Base5 OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "thick coax MAU (per 802.3 section 8)"
          ::= { dot3MauType 2 }
      dot3MauTypeFoirl OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "FOIRL MAU (per 802.3 section 9.9)"
          ::= { dot3MauType 3 }

      dot3MauType10Base2 OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current

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          DESCRIPTION "thin coax MAU (per 802.3 section 10)"
          ::= { dot3MauType 4 }

      dot3MauType10BaseT OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "UTP MAU (per 802.3 section 14).
                      Note that it is strongly recommended that
                      agents return either dot3MauType10BaseTHD or
                      dot3MauType10BaseTFD if the duplex mode is
                      known.  However, management applications should
                      be prepared to receive this MAU type value from
                      older agent implementations."
          ::= { dot3MauType 5 }

      dot3MauType10BaseFP OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "passive fiber MAU (per 802.3 section 16)"
          ::= { dot3MauType 6 }

      dot3MauType10BaseFB OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "sync fiber MAU (per 802.3 section 17)"
          ::= { dot3MauType 7 }

      dot3MauType10BaseFL OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "async fiber MAU (per 802.3 section 18)
                      Note that it is strongly recommended that
                      agents return either dot3MauType10BaseFLHD or
                      dot3MauType10BaseFLFD if the duplex mode is
                      known.  However, management applications should
                      be prepared to receive this MAU type value from
                      older agent implementations."
          ::= { dot3MauType 8 }

      dot3MauType10Broad36 OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "broadband DTE MAU (per 802.3 section 11).
                      Note that 10BROAD36 MAUs can be attached to
                      interfaces but not to repeaters."
          ::= { dot3MauType 9 }
      ------ new since RFC 1515:
      dot3MauType10BaseTHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "UTP MAU (per 802.3 section 14), half duplex
          ::= { dot3MauType 10 }

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      dot3MauType10BaseTFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "UTP MAU (per 802.3 section 14), full duplex
          ::= { dot3MauType 11 }

      dot3MauType10BaseFLHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "async fiber MAU (per 802.3 section 18), half
                      duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 12 }

      dot3MauType10BaseFLFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "async fiber MAU (per 802.3 section 18), full
                      duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 13 }

      dot3MauType100BaseT4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "4 pair categ. 3 UTP (per 802.3 section 23)"
          ::= { dot3MauType 14 }

      dot3MauType100BaseTXHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "2 pair categ. 5 UTP (per 802.3 section 25),
                      half duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 15 }

      dot3MauType100BaseTXFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "2 pair categ. 5 UTP (per 802.3 section 25),
                      full duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 16 }

      dot3MauType100BaseFXHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "X fiber over PMT (per 802.3 section 26), half
                      duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 17 }
      dot3MauType100BaseFXFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "X fiber over PMT (per 802.3 section 26), full
                      duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 18 }

      dot3MauType100BaseT2HD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current

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          DESCRIPTION "2 pair categ. 3 UTP (per 802.3 section 32),
                      half duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 19 }

      dot3MauType100BaseT2FD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "2 pair categ. 3 UTP (per 802.3 section 32),
                      full duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 20 }

      ------ new since RFC 2239:

      dot3MauType1000BaseXHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "PCS/PMA (per 802.3 section 36), unknown PMD,
                      half duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 21 }

      dot3MauType1000BaseXFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "PCS/PMA (per 802.3 section 36), unknown PMD,
                      full duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 22 }

      dot3MauType1000BaseLXHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Fiber over long-wavelength laser (per 802.3
                      section 38), half duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 23 }

      dot3MauType1000BaseLXFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Fiber over long-wavelength laser (per 802.3
                      section 38), full duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 24 }

      dot3MauType1000BaseSXHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Fiber over short-wavelength laser (per 802.3
                      section 38), half duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 25 }

      dot3MauType1000BaseSXFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Fiber over short-wavelength laser (per 802.3
                      section 38), full duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 26 }

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      dot3MauType1000BaseCXHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Copper over 150-Ohm balanced cable (per 802.3
                      section 39), half duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 27 }

      dot3MauType1000BaseCXFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Copper over 150-Ohm balanced cable (per 802.3
                      section 39), full duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 28 }

      dot3MauType1000BaseTHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Four-pair Category 5 UTP (per 802.3 section
                      40), half duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 29 }

      dot3MauType1000BaseTFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Four-pair Category 5 UTP (per 802.3 section
                      40), full duplex mode"
          ::= { dot3MauType 30 }

      -- The Basic Repeater MAU Table

      rpMauTable OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF RpMauEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Table of descriptive and status information
                      about the MAU(s) attached to the ports of a
          ::= { dot3RpMauBasicGroup 1 }

      rpMauEntry OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      RpMauEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information
                      about a single MAU."
          INDEX       { rpMauGroupIndex,
          ::= { rpMauTable 1 }

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      RpMauEntry ::=
          SEQUENCE {
              rpMauGroupIndex                     Integer32,
              rpMauPortIndex                      Integer32,
              rpMauIndex                          Integer32,
              rpMauType                           OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
              rpMauStatus                         INTEGER,
              rpMauMediaAvailable                 INTEGER,
              rpMauMediaAvailableStateExits       Counter32,
              rpMauJabberState                    INTEGER,
              rpMauJabberingStateEnters           Counter32,
              rpMauFalseCarriers                  Counter32

      rpMauGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "This variable uniquely identifies the group
                      containing the port to which the MAU described
                      by this entry is connected.

                      Note:  In practice, a group will generally be
                      a field-replaceable unit (i.e., module, card,
                      or board) that can fit in the physical system
                      enclosure, and the group number will correspond
                      to a number marked on the physical enclosure.

                      The group denoted by a particular value of this
                      object is the same as the group denoted by the
                      same value of rptrGroupIndex."
          REFERENCE   "Reference RFC 2108, rptrGroupIndex."
          ::= { rpMauEntry 1 }

      rpMauPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "This variable uniquely identifies the repeater
                      port within group rpMauGroupIndex to which the
                      MAU described by this entry is connected."
          REFERENCE   "Reference RFC 2108, rptrPortIndex."
          ::= { rpMauEntry 2 }

      rpMauIndex OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current

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          DESCRIPTION "This variable uniquely identifies the MAU
                      described by this entry from among other
                      MAUs connected to the same port
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],, aMAUID."
          ::= { rpMauEntry 3 }

      rpMauType OBJECT-TYPE
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the MAU type.  An
                      initial set of MAU types are defined above.  The
                      assignment of OBJECT IDENTIFIERs to new types of
                      MAUs is managed by the IANA.  If the MAU type is
                      unknown, the object identifier

                      unknownMauType OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }

                      is returned.  Note that unknownMauType is a
                      syntactically valid object identifier, and any
                      conformant implementation of ASN.1 and the BER
                      must be able to generate and recognize this
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],, aMAUType."
          ::= { rpMauEntry 4 }

      rpMauStatus OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "The current state of the MAU.  This object MAY
                      be implemented as a read-only object by those
                      agents and MAUs that do not implement software
                      control of the MAU state.  Some agents may not
                      support setting the value of this object to some
                      of the enumerated values.

                      The value other(1) is returned if the MAU is in
                      a state other than one of the states 2 through

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                      The value unknown(2) is returned when the MAU's
                      true state is unknown; for example, when it is
                      being initialized.

                      A MAU in the operational(3) state is fully
                      functional, operates, and passes signals to its
                      attached DTE or repeater port in accordance to
                      its specification.

                      A MAU in standby(4) state forces DI and CI to
                      idle and the media transmitter to idle or fault,
                      if supported.  Standby(4) mode only applies to
                      link type MAUs.  The state of
                      rpMauMediaAvailable is unaffected.

                      A MAU in shutdown(5) state assumes the same
                      condition on DI, CI, and the media transmitter
                      as though it were powered down or not connected.
                      The MAU MAY return other(1) value for the
                      rpMauJabberState and rpMauMediaAvailable objects
                      when it is in this state.  For an AUI, this
                      state will remove power from the AUI.

                      Setting this variable to the value reset(6)
                      resets the MAU in the same manner as a
                      power-off, power-on cycle of at least one-half
                      second would.  The agent is not required to
                      return the value reset (6).

                      Setting this variable to the value
                      operational(3), standby(4), or shutdown(5)
                      causes the MAU to assume the respective state
                      except that setting a mixing-type MAU or an AUI
                      to standby(4) will cause the MAU to enter the
                      shutdown state."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],, aMAUAdminState,
                , acMAUAdminControl, and,
          ::= { rpMauEntry 5 }

      rpMauMediaAvailable OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {

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          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "If the MAU is a link or fiber type (FOIRL,
                      10BASE-T, 10BASE-F) then this is equivalent to
                      the link test fail state/low light function.
                      For an AUI or a coax (including broadband) MAU
                      this indicates whether or not loopback is
                      detected on the DI circuit.  The value of this
                      attribute persists between packets for MAU types
                      AUI, 10BASE5, 10BASE2, 10BROAD36, and 10BASE-FP.

                      The value other(1) is returned if the
                      mediaAvailable state is not one of 2 through 11.

                      The value unknown(2) is returned when the MAU's
                      true state is unknown; for example, when it is
                      being initialized.  At power-up or following a
                      reset, the value of this attribute will be
                      unknown for AUI, coax, and 10BASE-FP MAUs.  For
                      these MAUs loopback will be tested on each
                      transmission during which no collision is
                      detected.  If DI is receiving input when DO
                      returns to IDL after a transmission and there
                      has been no collision during the transmission
                      then loopback will be detected.  The value of
                      this attribute will only change during
                      non-collided transmissions for AUI, coax, and
                      10BASE-FP MAUs.

                      For 100Mbps and 1000Mbps MAUs, the enumerations
                      match the states within the respective link
                      integrity state diagrams, fig 32-16, 23-12 and
                      24-15 of sections 32, 23 and 24 of [16].  Any
                      MAU which implements management of
                      auto-negotiation will map remote fault
                      indication to remote fault.

                      The value available(3) indicates that the link,
                      light, or loopback is normal.  The value
                      notAvailable(4) indicates link loss, low light,
                      or no loopback.

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

                      The value remoteFault(5) indicates that a fault
                      has been detected at the remote end of the link.
                      This value applies to 10BASE-FB, 100BASE-T4 Far
                      End Fault Indication and non-specified remote
                      faults from a system running auto-negotiation.
                      The values remoteJabber(7), remoteLinkLoss(8),
                      and remoteTest(9) SHOULD be used instead of
                      remoteFault(5) where the reason for remote fault
                      is identified in the remote signaling protocol.

                      The value invalidSignal(6) indicates that an
                      invalid signal has been received from the other
                      end of the link.  InvalidSignal(6) applies only
                      to MAUs of type 10BASE-FB.

                      Where an IEEE Std 802.3u-1995 clause 22 MII
                      is present, a logic one in the remote fault bit
                      (reference section of that document)
                      maps to the value remoteFault(5), and a logic
                      zero in the link status bit (reference section
             of that document) maps to the value
                      notAvailable(4).  The value notAvailable(4)
                      takes precedence over the value remoteFault(5).

                      Any MAU that implements management of clause 37
                      Auto-Negotiation will map the received Remote
                      Fault (RF1 and RF2) bit values for Offline to
                      offline(10), Link Failure to remoteFault(5) and
                      Auto-Negotiation Error to autoNegError(11)."

          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],, aMediaAvailable."
          ::= { rpMauEntry 6 }

      rpMauMediaAvailableStateExits OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Counter32
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of times that
                      rpMauMediaAvailable for this MAU instance leaves
                      the state available(3).

                      Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                      occur at re-initialization of the management
                      system, and at other times as indicated by the
                      value of rptrMonitorPortLastChange."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
                      RFC 2108, rptrMonitorPortLastChange"

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

          ::= { rpMauEntry 7 }

      rpMauJabberState OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "The value other(1) is returned if the jabber
                      state is not 2, 3, or 4.  The agent MUST always
                      return other(1) for MAU type dot3MauTypeAUI.

                      The value unknown(2) is returned when the MAU's
                      true state is unknown; for example, when it is
                      being initialized.

                      If the MAU is not jabbering the agent returns
                      noJabber(3).  This is the 'normal' state.

                      If the MAU is in jabber state the agent returns
                      the jabbering(4) value."
          REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { rpMauEntry 8 }

      rpMauJabberingStateEnters OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Counter32
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of times that
                      mauJabberState for this MAU instance enters the
                      state jabbering(4).  For MAUs of type
                      dot3MauTypeAUI, dot3MauType100BaseT4,
                      dot3MauType100BaseTX, dot3MauType100BaseFX and
                          all 1000Mbps types, this counter will always
                          indicate zero.

                          Discontinuities in the value of this counter
                          can occur at re-initialization of the
                          management system, and at other times as
                          indicated by the value of
              REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
                          RFC 2108, rptrMonitorPortLastChange"

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

          ::= { rpMauEntry 9 }

      rpMauFalseCarriers OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Counter32
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of false carrier events
                      during IDLE in 100BASE-X links.  This counter
                      does not increment at the symbol rate.  It can
                      increment after a valid carrier completion at a
                      maximum rate of once per 100 ms until the next
                      carrier event.

                      This counter increments only for MAUs of type
                      dot3MauType100BaseT4, dot3MauType100BaseTX, and
                      dot3MauType100BaseFX and all 1000Mbps types.
                      For all other MAU types, this counter will
                      always indicate zero.

                      The approximate minimum time for rollover of
                      this counter is 7.4 hours.

                      Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                      occur at re-initialization of the management
                      system, and at other times as indicated by the
                      value of rptrMonitorPortLastChange."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],, aFalseCarriers.
                      RFC 2108, rptrMonitorPortLastChange"
          ::= { rpMauEntry 10 }

      -- The rpJackTable applies to MAUs attached to repeaters
      -- which have one or more external jacks (connectors).

      rpJackTable OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF RpJackEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Information about the external jacks attached
                      to MAUs attached to the ports of a repeater."
          ::= { dot3RpMauBasicGroup 2 }

      rpJackEntry OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      RpJackEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information
                      about a particular jack."
          INDEX       { rpMauGroupIndex,

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

          ::= { rpJackTable 1 }

      RpJackEntry ::=
          SEQUENCE {
              rpJackIndex                         Integer32,
              rpJackType                          JackType

      rpJackIndex OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "This variable uniquely identifies the jack
                      described by this entry from among other jacks
                      attached to the same MAU (rpMauIndex)."
          ::= { rpJackEntry 1 }

      rpJackType OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      JackType
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "The jack connector type, as it appears on the
                      outside of the system."
          ::= { rpJackEntry 2 }

      -- The Basic Interface MAU Table

      ifMauTable OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IfMauEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Table of descriptive and status information
                      about MAU(s) attached to an interface."
          ::= { dot3IfMauBasicGroup 1 }

      ifMauEntry OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      IfMauEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information
                      about a single MAU."
          INDEX       { ifMauIfIndex,

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

          ::= { ifMauTable 1 }

      IfMauEntry ::=
          SEQUENCE {
              ifMauIfIndex                        Integer32,
              ifMauIndex                          Integer32,
              ifMauType                           OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
              ifMauStatus                         INTEGER,
              ifMauMediaAvailable                 INTEGER,
              ifMauMediaAvailableStateExits       Counter32,
              ifMauJabberState                    INTEGER,
              ifMauJabberingStateEnters           Counter32,
              ifMauFalseCarriers                  Counter32,
              ifMauTypeList                       Integer32,
              ifMauDefaultType                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
              ifMauAutoNegSupported               TruthValue,
              ifMauTypeListBits                   BITS

      ifMauIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "This variable uniquely identifies the interface
                      to which the MAU described by this entry is
          REFERENCE   "RFC 1213, ifIndex"
          ::= { ifMauEntry 1 }

      ifMauIndex OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "This variable uniquely identifies the MAU
                      described by this entry from among other MAUs
                      connected to the same interface (ifMauIfIndex)."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],, aMAUID."
          ::= { ifMauEntry 2 }

      ifMauType OBJECT-TYPE
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the MAU type.  An
                      initial set of MAU types are defined above.  The
                      assignment of OBJECT IDENTIFIERs to new types of

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

                      MAUs is managed by the IANA.  If the MAU type is
                      unknown, the object identifier

                      unknownMauType OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }

                      is returned.  Note that unknownMauType is a
                      syntactically valid object identifier, and any
                      conformant implementation of ASN.1 and the BER
                      must be able to generate and recognize this

                      This object represents the operational type of
                      the MAU, as determined by either (1) the result
                      of the auto-negotiation function or (2) if
                      auto-negotiation is not enabled or is not
                      implemented for this MAU, by the value of the
                      object ifMauDefaultType.  In case (2), a set to
                      the object ifMauDefaultType will force the MAU
                      into the new operating mode."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],, aMAUType."
          ::= { ifMauEntry 3 }

      ifMauStatus OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "The current state of the MAU.  This object MAY
                      be implemented as a read-only object by those
                      agents and MAUs that do not implement software
                      control of the MAU state.  Some agents may not
                      support setting the value of this object to some
                      of the enumerated values.

                      The value other(1) is returned if the MAU is in
                      a state other than one of the states 2 through

                      The value unknown(2) is returned when the MAU's
                      true state is unknown; for example, when it is
                      being initialized.

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

                      A MAU in the operational(3) state is fully
                      functional, operates, and passes signals to its
                      attached DTE or repeater port in accordance to
                      its specification.

                      A MAU in standby(4) state forces DI and CI to
                      idle and the media transmitter to idle or fault,
                      if supported.  Standby(4) mode only applies to
                      link type MAUs.  The state of
                      ifMauMediaAvailable is unaffected.

                      A MAU in shutdown(5) state assumes the same
                      condition on DI, CI, and the media transmitter
                      as though it were powered down or not connected.
                      The MAU MAY return other(1) value for the
                      ifMauJabberState and ifMauMediaAvailable objects
                      when it is in this state.  For an AUI, this
                      state will remove power from the AUI.

                      Setting this variable to the value reset(6)
                      resets the MAU in the same manner as a
                      power-off, power-on cycle of at least one-half
                      second would.  The agent is not required to
                      return the value reset (6).

                      Setting this variable to the value
                      operational(3), standby(4), or shutdown(5)
                      causes the MAU to assume the respective state
                      except that setting a mixing-type MAU or an AUI
                      to standby(4) will cause the MAU to enter the
                      shutdown state."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],, aMAUAdminState,
            , acMAUAdminControl, and,
          ::= { ifMauEntry 4 }
      ifMauMediaAvailable OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "If the MAU is a link or fiber type (FOIRL,
                      10BASE-T, 10BASE-F) then this is equivalent to
                      the link test fail state/low light function.
                      For an AUI or a coax (including broadband) MAU
                      this indicates whether or not loopback is
                      detected on the DI circuit.  The value of this
                      attribute persists between packets for MAU types
                      AUI, 10BASE5, 10BASE2, 10BROAD36, and 10BASE-FP.

                      The value other(1) is returned if the
                      mediaAvailable state is not one of 2 through 11.

                      The value unknown(2) is returned when the MAU's
                      true state is unknown; for example, when it is
                      being initialized.  At power-up or following a
                      reset, the value of this attribute will be
                      unknown for AUI, coax, and 10BASE-FP MAUs.  For
                      these MAUs loopback will be tested on each
                      transmission during which no collision is
                      detected.  If DI is receiving input when DO
                      returns to IDL after a transmission and there
                      has been no collision during the transmission
                      then loopback will be detected.  The value of
                      this attribute will only change during
                      non-collided transmissions for AUI, coax, and
                      10BASE-FP MAUs.

                      For 100Mbps and 1000Mbps MAUs, the enumerations
                      match the states within the respective link
                      integrity state diagrams, fig 32-16, 23-12 and
                      24-15 of sections 32, 23 and 24 of [16].  Any
                      MAU which implements management of
                      auto-negotiation will map remote fault
                      indication to remote fault.

                      The value available(3) indicates that the link,
                      light, or loopback is normal.  The value
                      notAvailable(4) indicates link loss, low light,
                      or no loopback.

                      The value remoteFault(5) indicates that a fault
                      has been detected at the remote end of the link.
                      This value applies to 10BASE-FB, 100BASE-T4 Far
                      End Fault Indication and non-specified remote
                      faults from a system running auto-negotiation.

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

                      The values remoteJabber(7), remoteLinkLoss(8),
                      and remoteTest(9) SHOULD be used instead of
                      remoteFault(5) where the reason for remote fault
                      is identified in the remote signaling protocol.

                      The value invalidSignal(6) indicates that an
                      invalid signal has been received from the other
                      end of the link.  InvalidSignal(6) applies only
                      to MAUs of type 10BASE-FB.

                      Where an IEEE Std 802.3u-1995 clause 22 MII
                      is present, a logic one in the remote fault bit
                      (reference section of that document)
                      maps to the value remoteFault(5), and a logic
                      zero in the link status bit (reference section
             of that document) maps to the value
                      notAvailable(4).  The value notAvailable(4)
                      takes precedence over the value remoteFault(5).

                      Any MAU that implements management of clause 37
                      Auto-Negotiation will map the received RF1 and
                      RF2 bit values for Offline to offline(10), Link
                      Failure to remoteFault(5) and Auto-Negotiation
                      Error to autoNegError(11)."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],, aMediaAvailable."
          ::= { ifMauEntry 5 }

      ifMauMediaAvailableStateExits OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Counter32
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of times that
                      ifMauMediaAvailable for this MAU instance leaves
                      the state available(3).
                      Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                      occur at re-initialization of the management
                      system, and at other times as indicated by the
                      value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
                      RFC 2233, ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
          ::= { ifMauEntry 6 }

      ifMauJabberState OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "The value other(1) is returned if the jabber
                      state is not 2, 3, or 4.  The agent MUST always
                      return other(1) for MAU type dot3MauTypeAUI.

                      The value unknown(2) is returned when the MAU's
                      true state is unknown; for example, when it is
                      being initialized.

                      If the MAU is not jabbering the agent returns
                      noJabber(3).  This is the 'normal' state.

                      If the MAU is in jabber state the agent returns
                      the jabbering(4) value."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { ifMauEntry 7 }

      ifMauJabberingStateEnters OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Counter32
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of times that
                      mauJabberState for this MAU instance enters the
                      state jabbering(4). This counter will always
                      indicate zero for MAUs of type dot1MauTypeAUI
                      and those of speeds above 10Mbps.

                      Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                      occur at re-initialization of the management
                      system, and at other times as indicated by the
                      value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
                      RFC 2233, ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
          ::= { ifMauEntry 8 }

      ifMauFalseCarriers OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Counter32
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of false carrier events
                      during IDLE in 100BASE-X and 1000BASE-X links.

                      For all other MAU types, this counter will

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

                      always indicate zero. This counter does not
                      increment at the symbol rate.

                      It can increment after a valid carrier
                      completion at a maximum rate of once per 100 ms
                      for 100BASE-X and once per 10us for 1000BASE-X
                      until the next CarrierEvent.

                      Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                      occur at re-initialization of the management
                      system, and at other times as indicated by the
                      value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],, aFalseCarriers.
                      RFC 2233, ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
          ::= { ifMauEntry 9 }

      ifMauTypeList OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED **********

                      A value that uniquely identifies the set of
                      possible IEEE 802.3 types that the MAU could be.
                      The value is a sum which initially takes the
                      value zero.  Then, for each type capability of
                      this MAU, 2 raised to the power noted below is
                      added to the sum. For example, a MAU which has
                      the capability to be only 10BASE-T would have a
                      value of 512 (2**9).  In contrast, a MAU which
                      supports both 10Base-T (full duplex) and
                      100BASE-TX (full duplex) would have a value of
                      ((2**11) + (2**16)) or 67584.

                      The powers of 2 assigned to the capabilities are

                      Power  Capability
                        0      other or unknown
                        1      AUI
                        2      10BASE-5
                        3      FOIRL
                        4      10BASE-2
                        5      10BASE-T duplex mode unknown
                        6      10BASE-FP
                        7      10BASE-FB
                        8      10BASE-FL duplex mode unknown
                        9      10BROAD36

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

                       10      10BASE-T  half duplex mode
                       11      10BASE-T  full duplex mode
                       12      10BASE-FL half duplex mode
                       13      10BASE-FL full duplex mode
                       14      100BASE-T4
                       15      100BASE-TX half duplex mode
                       16      100BASE-TX full duplex mode
                       17      100BASE-FX half duplex mode
                       18      100BASE-FX full duplex mode
                       19      100BASE-T2 half duplex mode
                       20      100BASE-T2 full duplex mode

                      If auto-negotiation is present on this MAU, this
                      object will map to ifMauAutoNegCapability.

                      This object has been deprecated in favour of
          ::= { ifMauEntry 10 }

      ifMauDefaultType OBJECT-TYPE
          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the default
                      administrative baseband MAU type, to be used in
                      conjunction with the operational MAU type
                      denoted by ifMauType.

                      The set of possible values for this object is
                      the same as the set defined for the ifMauType

                      This object represents the
                      administratively-configured type of the MAU.  If
                      auto-negotiation is not enabled or is not
                      implemented for this MAU, the value of this
                      object determines the operational type of the
                      MAU.  In this case, a set to this object will
                      force the MAU into the specified operating mode.

                      If auto-negotiation is implemented and enabled
                      for this MAU, the operational type of the MAU
                      is determined by auto-negotiation, and the value
                      of this object denotes the type to which the MAU
                      will automatically revert if/when
                      auto-negotiation is later disabled.

                      NOTE TO IMPLEMENTORS:  It may be necessary to

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

                      provide for underlying hardware implementations
                      which do not follow the exact behavior specified
                      above.  In particular, when
                      ifMauAutoNegAdminStatus transitions from enabled
                      to disabled, the agent implementation MUST
                      ensure that the operational type of the MAU (as
                      reported by ifMauType) correctly transitions to
                      the value specified by this object, rather than
                      continuing to operate at the value earlier
                      determined by the auto-negotiation function."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],, aMAUID, and
          ::= { ifMauEntry 11 }

      ifMauAutoNegSupported OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      TruthValue
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether or not
                      auto-negotiation is supported on this MAU."
          ::= { ifMauEntry 12 }

      ifMauTypeListBits OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      BITS {
              bOther(0),         -- other or unknown
              bAUI(1),           -- AUI
              b10base5(2),       -- 10BASE-5
              bFoirl(3),         -- FOIRL

              b10base2(4),       -- 10BASE-2
              b10baseT(5),       -- 10BASE-T duplex mode unknown
              b10baseFP(6),      -- 10BASE-FP
              b10baseFB(7),      -- 10BASE-FB
              b10baseFL(8),      -- 10BASE-FL duplex mode unknown
              b10broad36(9),     -- 10BROAD36
              b10baseTHD(10),    -- 10BASE-T  half duplex mode
              b10baseTFD(11),    -- 10BASE-T  full duplex mode
              b10baseFLHD(12),   -- 10BASE-FL half duplex mode
              b10baseFLFD(13),   -- 10BASE-FL full duplex mode

              b100baseT4(14),    -- 100BASE-T4
              b100baseTXHD(15),  -- 100BASE-TX half duplex mode
              b100baseTXFD(16),  -- 100BASE-TX full duplex mode
              b100baseFXHD(17),  -- 100BASE-FX half duplex mode
              b100baseFXFD(18),  -- 100BASE-FX full duplex mode
              b100baseT2HD(19),  -- 100BASE-T2 half duplex mode
              b100baseT2FD(20),  -- 100BASE-T2 full duplex mode

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

              b1000baseXHD(21),  -- 1000BASE-X half duplex mode
              b1000baseXFD(22),  -- 1000BASE-X full duplex mode
              b1000baseLXHD(23), -- 1000BASE-LX half duplex mode
              b1000baseLXFD(24), -- 1000BASE-LX full duplex mode
              b1000baseSXHD(25), -- 1000BASE-SX half duplex mode
              b1000baseSXFD(26), -- 1000BASE-SX full duplex mode
              b1000baseCXHD(27), -- 1000BASE-CX half duplex mode
              b1000baseCXFD(28), -- 1000BASE-CX full duplex mode
              b1000baseTHD(29),  -- 1000BASE-T half duplex mode
              b1000baseTFD(30)   -- 1000BASE-T full duplex mode
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A value that uniquely identifies the set of
                      possible IEEE 802.3 types that the MAU could be.
                      If auto-negotiation is present on this MAU, this
                      object will map to ifMauAutoNegCapability.

                      Note that this MAU may be capable of operating
                      as a MAU type that is beyond the scope of this
                      MIB.  This is indicated by returning the
                      bit value bOther in addition to any bit values
                      for capabilities that are listed above."
          ::= { ifMauEntry 13 }

      -- The ifJackTable applies to MAUs attached to interfaces
      -- which have one or more external jacks (connectors).

      ifJackTable OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IfJackEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Information about the external jacks attached
                      to MAUs attached to an interface."
          ::= { dot3IfMauBasicGroup 2 }

      ifJackEntry OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      IfJackEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information
                      about a particular jack."
          INDEX       { ifMauIfIndex,
          ::= { ifJackTable 1 }

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

      IfJackEntry ::=
          SEQUENCE {
              ifJackIndex                         Integer32,
              ifJackType                          JackType

      ifJackIndex OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "This variable uniquely identifies the jack
                      described by this entry from among other jacks
                      attached to the same MAU."
          ::= { ifJackEntry 1 }

      ifJackType OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      JackType
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "The jack connector type, as it appears on the
                      outside of the system."
          ::= { ifJackEntry 2 }

      -- The ifMauAutoNegTable applies to systems in which
      -- auto-negotiation is supported on one or more MAUs
      -- attached to interfaces.  Note that if auto-negotiation
      -- is present and enabled, the ifMauType object reflects
      -- the result of the auto-negotiation function.

      ifMauAutoNegTable OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IfMauAutoNegEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Configuration and status objects for the
                      auto-negotiation function of MAUs attached to
          ::= { dot3IfMauAutoNegGroup 1 }

      ifMauAutoNegEntry OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      IfMauAutoNegEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing configuration
                      and status information for the auto-negotiation
                      function of a particular MAU."
          INDEX       { ifMauIfIndex,

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          ::= { ifMauAutoNegTable 1 }

      IfMauAutoNegEntry ::=
          SEQUENCE {
              ifMauAutoNegAdminStatus             INTEGER,
              ifMauAutoNegRemoteSignaling         INTEGER,
              ifMauAutoNegConfig                  INTEGER,
              ifMauAutoNegCapability              Integer32,
              ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertised           Integer32,
              ifMauAutoNegCapReceived             Integer32,
              ifMauAutoNegRestart                 INTEGER,
              ifMauAutoNegCapabilityBits          BITS,
              ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertisedBits       BITS,
              ifMauAutoNegCapReceivedBits         BITS,
              ifMauAutoNegRemoteFaultAdvertised   INTEGER,
              ifMauAutoNegRemoteFaultReceived     INTEGER

      ifMauAutoNegAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to enabled(1) will cause
                      the interface which has the auto-negotiation
                      signaling ability to be enabled.

                      If the value of this object is disabled(2) then
                      the interface will act as it would if it had no
                      auto-negotiation signaling.  Under these
                      conditions, an IEEE 802.3 MAU will immediately
                      be forced to the state indicated by the value of
                      the object ifMauDefaultType.

                      NOTE TO IMPLEMENTORS:  When
                      ifMauAutoNegAdminStatus transitions from enabled
                      to disabled, the agent implementation MUST
                      ensure that the operational type of the MAU (as
                      reported by ifMauType) correctly transitions to
                      the value specified by the ifMauDefaultType
                      object, rather than continuing to operate at the
                      value earlier determined by the auto-negotiation
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
                      aAutoNegAdminState and,

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

          ::= { ifMauAutoNegEntry 1 }

      ifMauAutoNegRemoteSignaling OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A value indicating whether the remote end of
                      the link is using auto-negotiation signaling. It
                      takes the value detected(1) if and only if,
                      during the previous link negotiation, FLP Bursts
                      were received."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { ifMauAutoNegEntry 2 }

      ifMauAutoNegConfig OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A value indicating the current status of the
                      auto-negotiation process.  The enumeration
                      parallelDetectFail(5) maps to a failure in
                      parallel detection as defined in of
                      [IEEE 802.3 Std]."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { ifMauAutoNegEntry 4 }

      ifMauAutoNegCapability OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED **********

                      A value that uniquely identifies the set of
                      capabilities of the local auto-negotiation
                      entity.  The value is a sum which initially
                      takes the value zero.  Then, for each capability
                      of this interface, 2 raised to the power noted

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

                      below is added to the sum. For example, an
                      interface which has the capability to support
                      only 100Base-TX half duplex would have a value
                      of 32768 (2**15).  In contrast, an interface
                      which supports both 100Base-TX half duplex and
                      and 100Base-TX full duplex would have a value of
                      98304 ((2**15) + (2**16)).

                      The powers of 2 assigned to the capabilities are

                      Power   Capability
                        0       other or unknown
                       (1-9)    (reserved)
                       10       10BASE-T  half duplex mode
                       11       10BASE-T  full duplex mode
                       12       (reserved)
                       13       (reserved)
                       14       100BASE-T4
                       15       100BASE-TX half duplex mode
                       16       100BASE-TX full duplex mode
                       17       (reserved)
                       18       (reserved)
                       19      100BASE-T2 half duplex mode
                       20      100BASE-T2 full duplex mode

                      Note that interfaces that support this MIB may
                      have capabilities that extend beyond the scope
                      of this MIB.
                      This object has been deprecated in favour of
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { ifMauAutoNegEntry 5 }

      ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertised OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32
          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED **********

                      A value that uniquely identifies the set of
                      capabilities advertised by the local
                      auto-negotiation entity. Refer to
                      ifMauAutoNegCapability for a description of the
                      possible values of this object.

                      Capabilities in this object that are not

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

                      available in ifMauAutoNegCapability cannot be

                      This object has been deprecated in favour of
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { ifMauAutoNegEntry 6 }

      ifMauAutoNegCapReceived OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED **********

                      A value that uniquely identifies the set of
                      capabilities received from the remote
                      auto-negotiation entity. Refer to
                      ifMauAutoNegCapability for a description of the
                      possible values of this object.

                      Note that interfaces that support this MIB may
                      be attached to remote auto-negotiation entities
                      which have capabilities beyond the scope of this

                      This object has been deprecated in favour of
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { ifMauAutoNegEntry 7 }

      ifMauAutoNegRestart OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "If the value of this object is set to
                      restart(1) then this will force auto-negotiation
                      to begin link renegotiation. If auto-negotiation
                      signaling is disabled, a write to this object
                      has no effect.

                      Setting the value of this object to norestart(2)
                      has no effect."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,

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          ::= { ifMauAutoNegEntry 8 }

      ifMauAutoNegCapabilityBits OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      BITS {
              bOther(0),        -- other or unknown
              b10baseT(1),      -- 10BASE-T  half duplex mode
              b10baseTFD(2),    -- 10BASE-T  full duplex mode
              b100baseT4(3),    -- 100BASE-T4
              b100baseTX(4),    -- 100BASE-TX half duplex mode
              b100baseTXFD(5),  -- 100BASE-TX full duplex mode
              b100baseT2(6),    -- 100BASE-T2 half duplex mode
              b100baseT2FD(7),  -- 100BASE-T2 full duplex mode
              bfdxPause(8),     -- PAUSE for full-duplex links
              bfdxAPause(9),    -- Asymmetric PAUSE for full-duplex
                                --     links
              bfdxSPause(10),   -- Symmetric PAUSE for full-duplex
                                --     links
              bfdxBPause(11),   -- Asymmetric and Symmetric PAUSE for
                                --     full-duplex links
              b1000baseX(12),   -- 1000BASE-X, -LX, -SX, -CX half
                                --     duplex mode
              b1000baseXFD(13), -- 1000BASE-X, -LX, -SX, -CX full
                                --     duplex mode
              b1000baseT(14),   -- 1000BASE-T half duplex mode
              b1000baseTFD(15)  -- 1000BASE-T full duplex mode
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A value that uniquely identifies the set of
                      capabilities of the local auto-negotiation
                      entity.  Note that interfaces that support this
                      MIB may have capabilities that extend beyond the
                      scope of this MIB.

                      Note that the local auto-negotiation entity may
                      support some capabilities beyond the scope of
                      this MIB.  This is indicated by returning the
                      bit value bOther in addition to any bit values
                      for capabilities that are listed above."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { ifMauAutoNegEntry 9 }

      ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertisedBits OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      BITS {
              bOther(0),        -- other or unknown
              b10baseT(1),      -- 10BASE-T  half duplex mode

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              b10baseTFD(2),    -- 10BASE-T  full duplex mode
              b100baseT4(3),    -- 100BASE-T4
              b100baseTX(4),    -- 100BASE-TX half duplex mode
              b100baseTXFD(5),  -- 100BASE-TX full duplex mode
              b100baseT2(6),    -- 100BASE-T2 half duplex mode
              b100baseT2FD(7),  -- 100BASE-T2 full duplex mode
              bFdxPause(8),     -- PAUSE for full-duplex links
              bFdxAPause(9),    -- Asymmetric PAUSE for full-duplex
                                --     links
              bFdxSPause(10),   -- Symmetric PAUSE for full-duplex
                                --     links
              bFdxBPause(11),   -- Asymmetric and Symmetric PAUSE for
                                --     full-duplex links
              b1000baseX(12),   -- 1000BASE-X, -LX, -SX, -CX half
                                --     duplex mode
              b1000baseXFD(13), -- 1000BASE-X, -LX, -SX, -CX full
                                --     duplex mode
              b1000baseT(14),   -- 1000BASE-T half duplex mode
              b1000baseTFD(15)  -- 1000BASE-T full duplex mode
          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A value that uniquely identifies the set of
                      capabilities advertised by the local
                      auto-negotiation entity.

                      Capabilities in this object that are not
                      available in ifMauAutoNegCapabilityBits cannot
                      be enabled.
                      Note that the local auto-negotiation entity may
                      advertise some capabilities beyond the scope of
                      this MIB.  This is indicated by returning the
                      bit value bOther in addition to any bit values
                      for capabilities that are listed above."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { ifMauAutoNegEntry 10 }

      ifMauAutoNegCapReceivedBits OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      BITS {
               bOther(0),        -- other or unknown
               b10baseT(1),      -- 10BASE-T  half duplex mode
               b10baseTFD(2),    -- 10BASE-T  full duplex mode
               b100baseT4(3),    -- 100BASE-T4
               b100baseTX(4),    -- 100BASE-TX half duplex mode
               b100baseTXFD(5),  -- 100BASE-TX full duplex mode
               b100baseT2(6),    -- 100BASE-T2 half duplex mode
               b100baseT2FD(7),  -- 100BASE-T2 full duplex mode

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               bFdxPause(8),     -- PAUSE for full-duplex links
               bFdxAPause(9),    -- Asymmetric PAUSE for full-duplex
                                 --     links
               bFdxSPause(10),   -- Symmetric PAUSE for full-duplex
                                 --     links
               bFdxBPause(11),   -- Asymmetric and Symmetric PAUSE for
                                 --     full-duplex links
               b1000baseX(12),   -- 1000BASE-X, -LX, -SX, -CX half
                                 --     duplex mode
               b1000baseXFD(13), -- 1000BASE-X, -LX, -SX, -CX full
                                 --     duplex mode
               b1000baseT(14),   -- 1000BASE-T half duplex mode
               b1000baseTFD(15)  -- 1000BASE-T full duplex mode
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A value that uniquely identifies the set of
                      capabilities received from the remote
                      auto-negotiation entity.

                      Note that interfaces that support this MIB may
                      be attached to remote auto-negotiation entities
                      which have capabilities beyond the scope of this
                      MIB.  This is indicated by returning the bit
                      value bOther in addition to any bit values for
                      capabilities that are listed above."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { ifMauAutoNegEntry 11 }
      ifMauAutoNegRemoteFaultAdvertised OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A value that identifies any local fault
                      indications that this MAU has detected and will
                      advertise at the next auto-negotiation
                      interaction for 1000Mbps MAUs."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { ifMauAutoNegEntry 12 }

      ifMauAutoNegRemoteFaultReceived OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {

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          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "A value that identifies any fault indications
                      received from the far end of a link by the
                      local auto-negotiation entity for 1000Mbps
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { ifMauAutoNegEntry 13 }

      -- The Basic Broadband MAU Table

      broadMauBasicTable OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF BroadMauBasicEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED **********

                      Table of descriptive and status information
                      about the broadband MAUs connected to
          ::= { dot3BroadMauBasicGroup 1 }

      broadMauBasicEntry OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      BroadMauBasicEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED **********

                      An entry in the table, containing information
                      about a single broadband MAU."
          INDEX       { broadMauIfIndex,
          ::= { broadMauBasicTable 1 }

      BroadMauBasicEntry ::=
          SEQUENCE {
              broadMauIfIndex                     Integer32,
              broadMauIndex                       Integer32,
              broadMauXmtRcvSplitType             INTEGER,

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              broadMauXmtCarrierFreq              Integer32,
              broadMauTranslationFreq             Integer32

      broadMauIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED **********

                      This variable uniquely identifies the interface
                      to which the MAU described by this entry is
          REFERENCE   "Reference RFC 1213, ifIndex."
          ::= { broadMauBasicEntry 1 }

      broadMauIndex OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED **********

                      This variable uniquely identifies the MAU
                      connected to interface broadMauIfIndex that is
                      described by this entry."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],, aMAUID."
          ::= { broadMauBasicEntry 2 }

      broadMauXmtRcvSplitType OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED **********

                      This object indicates the type of frequency
                      multiplexing/cabling system used to separate the
                      transmit and receive paths for the 10BROAD36

                      The value other(1) is returned if the split type
                      is not either single or dual.

                      The value single(2) indicates a single cable
                      system.  The value dual(3) indicates a dual

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                      cable system, offset normally zero."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { broadMauBasicEntry 3 }

      broadMauXmtCarrierFreq OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED **********

                      This variable indicates the transmit carrier
                      frequency of the 10BROAD36 MAU in MHz/4; that
                      is, in units of 250 kHz."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { broadMauBasicEntry 4 }

      broadMauTranslationFreq OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      Integer32
          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED **********

                      This variable indicates the translation offset
                      frequency of the 10BROAD36 MAU in MHz/4; that
                      is, in units of 250 kHz."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std],,
          ::= { broadMauBasicEntry 5 }

      -- Notifications for use by 802.3 MAUs

      snmpDot3MauTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpDot3MauMgt 0 }

      rpMauJabberTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
          OBJECTS     { rpMauJabberState }
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent whenever a managed repeater
                      MAU enters the jabber state.

                      The agent MUST throttle the generation of
                      consecutive rpMauJabberTraps so that there is at
                      least a five-second gap between them."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Mgt],, nJabber
          ::= { snmpDot3MauTraps 1 }

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      ifMauJabberTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
          OBJECTS     { ifMauJabberState }
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent whenever a managed interface
                      MAU enters the jabber state.

                      The agent MUST throttle the generation of
                      consecutive ifMauJabberTraps so that there is at
                      least a five-second gap between them."
          REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Mgt],, nJabber
          ::= { snmpDot3MauTraps 2 }

      -- Conformance information

              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mauMod 1 }
              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mauModConf 1 }
              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mauModConf 2 }
              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mauModConf 3 }
      -- Object groups

      mauRpGrpBasic OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS     { rpMauGroupIndex,
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Basic conformance group for MAUs attached to
                      repeater ports.  This group is also the
                      conformance specification for RFC 1515
          ::= { mauModObjGrps 1 }

      mauRpGrp100Mbs OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS     { rpMauFalseCarriers }
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Conformance group for MAUs attached to
                      repeater ports with 100 Mb/s or greater

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          ::= { mauModObjGrps 2 }

      mauRpGrpJack OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS     { rpJackType }
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Conformance group for MAUs attached to
                      repeater ports with managed jacks."
          ::= { mauModObjGrps 3 }

      mauIfGrpBasic OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS     { ifMauIfIndex,
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Basic conformance group for MAUs attached to
                      interfaces.  This group also provides a
                      conformance specification for RFC 1515
          ::= { mauModObjGrps 4 }

      mauIfGrp100Mbs OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS     { ifMauFalseCarriers,
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED **********

                      Conformance group for MAUs attached to
                      interfaces with 100 Mb/s capability.

                      This object group has been deprecated in favor
                      of mauIfGrpHighCapacity."
          ::= { mauModObjGrps 5 }

      mauIfGrpJack OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS     { ifJackType }
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Conformance group for MAUs attached to
                      interfaces with managed jacks."

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          ::= { mauModObjGrps 6 }

      mauIfGrpAutoNeg OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS     { ifMauAutoNegAdminStatus,
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED **********

                      Conformance group for MAUs attached to
                      interfaces with managed auto-negotiation.

                      This object group has been deprecated in favor
                      of mauIfGrpAutoNeg2."
          ::= { mauModObjGrps 7 }

      mauBroadBasic OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS     { broadMauIfIndex,
          STATUS      deprecated
          DESCRIPTION "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED **********

                      Conformance group for broadband MAUs attached
                      to interfaces.

                      This object group is deprecated.  There have
                      been no reported implementations of this group,
                      and it was felt to be unlikely that there will
                      be any future implementations."
          ::= { mauModObjGrps 8 }

      mauIfGrpHighCapacity OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS     { ifMauFalseCarriers,
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Conformance group for MAUs attached to

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

                      interfaces with 100 Mb/s or greater capability."
          ::= { mauModObjGrps 9 }

      mauIfGrpAutoNeg2 OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS     { ifMauAutoNegAdminStatus,
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Conformance group for MAUs attached to
                      interfaces with managed auto-negotiation."
          ::= { mauModObjGrps 10 }

      mauIfGrpAutoNeg1000Mbps OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS     { ifMauAutoNegRemoteFaultAdvertised,
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Conformance group for 1000Mbps MAUs attached to
                      interfaces with managed auto-negotiation."
          ::= { mauModObjGrps 11 }

      -- Notification groups

      rpMauNotifications NOTIFICATION-GROUP
          NOTIFICATIONS { rpMauJabberTrap }
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Notifications for repeater MAUs."
          ::= { mauModNotGrps 1 }

      ifMauNotifications NOTIFICATION-GROUP
          NOTIFICATIONS { ifMauJabberTrap }
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Notifications for interface MAUs."
          ::= { mauModNotGrps 2 }

      -- Compliances

          STATUS      deprecated

                      Compliance for MAUs attached to repeater

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

                      This compliance is deprecated and replaced by
                      mauModRpCompl2, which corrects an oversight by
                      allowing rpMauStatus to be implemented

          MODULE -- this module
              MANDATORY-GROUPS { mauRpGrpBasic }

              GROUP       mauRpGrp100Mbs
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this optional group is
                          recommended for MAUs which have 100Mb/s or
                          greater capability."

              GROUP       mauRpGrpJack
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this optional group is
                          recommended for MAUs which have one or more
                          external jacks."

              GROUP       rpMauNotifications
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is recommended
                          for MAUs attached to repeater ports."
          ::= { mauModCompls 1 }

          STATUS      deprecated

                      Compliance for MAUs attached to interfaces.

                      This compliance is deprecated and replaced by

          MODULE -- this module
              MANDATORY-GROUPS { mauIfGrpBasic }

              GROUP       mauIfGrp100Mbs
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this optional group is
                          recommended for MAUs which have 100Mb/s

              GROUP       mauIfGrpJack
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this optional group is
                          recommended for MAUs which have one or more
                          external jacks."

              GROUP       mauIfGrpAutoNeg
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is mandatory
                          for MAUs which support managed

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999


              GROUP       mauBroadBasic
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is mandatory
                          for broadband MAUs."

              GROUP       ifMauNotifications
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is recommended
                          for MAUs attached to interfaces."
          ::= { mauModCompls 2 }

      mauModIfCompl2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Compliance for MAUs attached to interfaces."

          MODULE -- this module
              MANDATORY-GROUPS { mauIfGrpBasic }

              GROUP       mauIfGrpHighCapacity
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this optional group is
                          recommended for MAUs which have 100Mb/s
                          or greater capability."

              GROUP       mauIfGrpJack
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this optional group is
                          recommended for MAUs which have one or more
                          external jacks."

              GROUP       mauIfGrpAutoNeg2
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is mandatory
                          for MAUs which support managed

              GROUP       mauIfGrpAutoNeg1000Mbps
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is mandatory
                          for MAUs which have 1000Mb/s or greater
                          capability and support managed

              GROUP       ifMauNotifications
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is recommended
                          for MAUs attached to interfaces."

              OBJECT      ifMauStatus
              MIN-ACCESS  read-only
              DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
          ::= { mauModCompls 3 }

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RFC 2668                     802.3 MAU MIB                   August 1999

      mauModRpCompl2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
          STATUS      current
          DESCRIPTION "Compliance for MAUs attached to repeater

          MODULE -- this module
              MANDATORY-GROUPS { mauRpGrpBasic }

              GROUP       mauRpGrp100Mbs
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this optional group is
                          recommended for MAUs which have 100Mb/s or
                          greater capability."

              GROUP       mauRpGrpJack
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this optional group is
                          recommended for MAUs which have one or more
                          external jacks."

              GROUP       rpMauNotifications
              DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is recommended
                          for MAUs attached to repeater ports."

              OBJECT      rpMauStatus
              MIN-ACCESS  read-only
              DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
          ::= { mauModCompls 4 }


5.  Intellectual Property

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it
   has made any effort to identify any such rights.  Information on the
   IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and
   standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11.  Copies of
   claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of
   licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to
   obtain a general license or permission for the use of such
   proprietary rights by implementors or users of this specification can
   be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.

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   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF Executive

6.  Acknowledgements

   This document was produced by the IETF Ethernet Interfaces and Hub
   MIB Working Group, whose efforts were greatly advanced by the
   contributions of the following people:

       Chuck Black
       John Flick
       Jeff Johnson
       Leon Leong
       Mike Lui
       Dave Perkins
       Geoff Thompson
       Maurice Turcotte
       Paul Woodruff

   Special thanks as well to Dave Perkins for his excellent work on the
   SMICng compiler, which made it easy to take advantage of the latest
   SNMPv2 constructs in this MIB.

7.  References

    [1] Harrington, D., Presuhn, R. and B. Wijnen, "An Architecture for
        Describing SNMP Management Frameworks", RFC 2571, May 1999.

    [2] Rose, M. and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of
        Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets", STD 16, RFC
        1155, May 1990.

    [3] Rose, M. and K. McCloghrie, "Concise MIB Definitions", STD 16,
        RFC 1212, March 1991.

    [4] Rose, M., "A Convention for Defining Traps for use with the
        SNMP", RFC 1215, March 1991.

    [5] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose,
        M. and S. Waldbusser, "Structure of Management Information
        Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

    [6] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose,
        M. and S. Waldbusser, "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58,
        RFC 2579, April 1999.

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    [7] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose,
        M. and S. Waldbusser, "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD
        58, RFC 2580, April 1999.

    [8] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M. and J. Davin, "Simple
        Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC 1157, May 1990.

    [9] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser,
        "Introduction to Community-based SNMPv2", RFC 1901, January

   [10] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Transport
        Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol
        (SNMPv2)", RFC 1906, January 1996.

   [11] Case, J., Harrington, D., Presuhn, R. and B. Wijnen, "Message
        Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network Management
        Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 2572, May 1999.

   [12] Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model (USM)
        for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol
        (SNMPv3)", RFC 2574, May 1999.

   [13] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Protocol
        Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management
        Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1905, January 1996.

   [14] Levi, D., Meyer, P. and B. Stewart, "SNMPv3 Applications", RFC
        2573, May 1999.

   [15] Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R. and K. McCloghrie, "View-based Access
        Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol
        (SNMP)", RFC 2575, May 1999.

   [16] IEEE, IEEE Std 802.3, 1998 Edition: "Information technology -
        Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -
        Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements -
        Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection
        (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer specifications"
        (incorporating ANSI/IEEE Std. 802.3, 1996 Edition, IEEE Std.
        802.3r-1996, 802.3u-1995, 802.3x&y-1997, 802.3z-1998, and
        802.3aa-1998), September 1998.

   [17] de Graaf, K., Romascanu, D., McMaster, D.  and K. McCloghrie,
        "Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Repeater Devices
        using SMIv2", RFC 2108, February 1997.

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   [18] McCloghrie, K. and M. Rose, Editors, "Management Information
        Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II",
        STD 17, RFC 1213, March 1991.

   [19] McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholtz, "The Interfaces Group MIB
        using SMIv2", RFC 2233, November 1997.

   [20] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirements
        Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [21] de Graaf, K., Romascanu, D., McMaster, D., McCloghrie, K. and S.
        Roberts, "Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Medium
        Attachment Units (MAUs) using SMIv2", RFC 2239, November 1997.

   [22] McMaster, D., McCloghrie, K. and S. Roberts, "Definitions of
        Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Medium Attachment Units (MAUs)",
        RFC 1515, September 1993.

   [23] Flick, J. and J. Johnson, "Definitions of Managed Objects for
        the Ethernet-like Interface Types", RFC 2665, August 1999.

8.  Security Considerations

   There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB that
   have a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write. Setting these objects can
   have a serious effect on the operation of the network, including:

        enabling or disabling a MAU
        changing a MAU's default type
        enabling, disabling or restarting autonegotiation
        modifying the capabilities that a MAU advertizes during

   Such objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some
   network environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-secure
   environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on
   network operations.

   SNMPv1 by itself is such an insecure environment.  Even if the
   network itself is secure (for example by using IPSec), even then,
   there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to
   access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this

   It is recommended that the implementers consider the security
   features as provided by the SNMPv3 framework.  Specifically, the use
   of the User-based Security Model RFC 2574 [12] and the View-based
   Access Control Model RFC 2575 [15] is recommended.

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   It is then a customer/user responsibility to ensure that the SNMP
   entity giving access to an instance of this MIB, is properly
   configured to give access to those objects only to those principals
   (users) that have legitimate rights to access them.

9.  Authors' Addresses

   Andrew Smith
   Extreme Networks, Inc.
   3585 Monroe St.
   Santa Clara, CA 95051 USA

   Phone: +1 408 579-2821
   EMail: andrew@extremenetworks.com

   John Flick
   Hewlett-Packard Company
   8000 Foothills Blvd. M/S 5557
   Roseville, CA 95747-5557

   Phone: +1 916 785 4018
   EMail: johnf@rose.hp.com

   Kathryn de Graaf
   Argon Networks
   25 Porter Road
   Littleton, MA 01460 USA

   Phone: +1 978 486 0665 x163
   Fax: +1 978 486 9379
   EMail: kdegraaf@argon.com

   Dan Romascanu
   Lucent Technologies
   Atidim Technology Park, Bldg. 3
   Tel Aviv 61131

   Phone: 972 3 645 8414, 6458458
   Fax: 972 3 648 7146
   EMail: dromasca@lucent.com

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   Donna McMaster
   Cisco Systems Inc.
   170 West Tasman Drive
   San Jose, CA 95134

   Phone: +1 408 526 5260
   EMail: mcmaster@cisco.com

   Keith McCloghrie
   Cisco Systems Inc.
   170 West Tasman Drive
   San Jose, CA 95134

   Phone: +1 408 526 5260
   EMail: kzm@cisco.com

   Sam Roberts
   Farallon Computing, Inc.
   2470 Mariner Square Loop
   Alameda, CA 94501-1010

   Phone: +1 510 814 5215
   EMail: sroberts@farallon.com

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   Change Log

   This section enumerates the changes made to RFC 2239 to produce this

      (1)   The MODULE-IDENTITY has been updated to reflect the changes
            in the MIB.

      (2)   OBJECT-IDENTITY definitions have been added for gigabit MAU

      (3)   The ifMauTypeList, ifMauAutoNegCapability,
            ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertised and ifMauAutoNegCapReceived
            objects have been deprecated and replaced by
            ifMauTypeListBits, ifMauAutoNegCapabilityBits,
            ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertisedBits and

      (4)   Two new objects, ifMauAutoNegRemoteFaultAdvertised and
            ifMauAutoNegRemoteFaultReceived have been added.

      (5)   Enumerations for 'offline' and 'autoNegError' have been
            added for the rpMauMediaAvailable and ifMauMediaAvailable

      (6)   The broadMauBasicTable and mauBroadBasic object group have
            been deprecated.

      (7)   The mauIfGrp100Mbs and mauIfGrpAutoNeg object groups have
            been deprecated and replaced by mauIfGrpHighCapacity and

      (8)   A new object group, mauIfGrpAutoNeg1000Mbps, has been added.

      (9)   The mauModIfCompl and mauModRpCompl compliances have been
            deprecated and replaced by mauModIfCompl2 and

      (10)  Added section on relationship to RFC 2239.

      (11)  Updated the SNMP Network Management Framework boilerplate.

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      (12)  Refer to the Interfaces MIB, rather than the interfaces
            group of MIB-II.

      (13)  Updated references to refer to latest edition of IEEE 802.3.

      (14)  An intellectual property notice was added, as required by
            RFC 2026.

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11.  Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

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